Music review: A musical gift for everyone
Written By: Sheryl Jensen, For the Duluth News Tribune | 4:28 pm, Dec. 7, 2021
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
Dirk Meyer, conductor
December 4, 2021
“With Christmas bells brightly ringing, the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra Chorus merrily singing, and the orchestra festively playing, the “Holiday Spectacular” concert certainly lived up to its name, kicking off a potpourri of the season’s music for its live weekend concerts and now for streaming audiences.
…One of the highlights, in a night filled with them, was the awe-inspiring world premiere of Lucas Richman’s “The Hanukkah Story,” featuring the symphony, the chorus and narrator Danny Frank. The piece recounts the origins of the holiday by telling the story of the Maccabees, a small band of Jewish fighters, and their triumphant return to Jerusalem to reclaim their temple, and have the first celebration of the eight nights and the Festival of Lights.”